The BelovedSanctuary of Belonging

Comprehensive Healing, Love and Support for You

IAM So Happy to See You Here Beloved One!

In the Spirit of this Spontaneous Moment ... IAM Creating a NEW Service Offering of Love and Support for You! This did not emerge from the mind ... it Emerged Spontaneously from my Infinite Heart of Love and Devotion to You!

This is a NEW and Beautiful Global Monthly Come-Unity of Love, Support, Miracle Healing and Transformation IAM in Devotion to!

The Beloved Sanctuary of Belonging 

NEW! We will Unite in LIVE ZOOM CALLS the 2nd Sunday of each month! 

You will Receive a Powerful Encoded Video each month You remain a member! 


What You Receive here is Direct Inner Access to What You need and require most Now. 

It is NOT a "training" "technique" "tool" ... as all of these things live in the mind divorced from the Body and True Eternal Love Presence of Your Own Spirit Embodiment. 

What is required in these times and those upcoming is Direct Inner Access to Your Self... Your Own Unique Embodied Expression of the Facet of God You Are.

You cannot be a copy of anyone or anything else and Be in the Presence of Your Miraculous Self.

Your Abundance, Your Magic, Your Thriving Life in all areas ... does not and cannot exist outside of You.

IAM here to Create Comprehensive Community and Individual Support across all time and space ... seeing no borders or qualifiers to Your Divine Worthiness and Welcome Embrace within this Sacred Space of Love and Support for You ... This Space IAM in Creation of is Open to All who are aligned with our Ethos ... We are a Unique Global Family ... United in Wild Innocent Wonder and Celebration of each Unique Embodied Facet of the One We Are ... beyond all idea of "difference." We are Here to Celebrate You through this Living Breathing Miraculous Experience in Unity Together! 

How do I join?

Center within Your Heart and De-Side (Center Neutral into Your Heart, Your Presence Breathing this body) ... How Deep are You Ready to Experience Your Unique Power, Presence, and Magic that You are here to Live into Life? 

You Subscribe at the level You Are Ready to Receive and Propagate. (There are also openings for those who have no financial means to Receive and Participate.) NO ONE WILL BE LEFT BEHIND (who is in Alignment with Our Ethos of course). 

What is the Schedule and How does it Work? 

IAM offering a Private page with a Monthly Encoded Video just for You, along with a Live Monthly Zoom Call on the 2nd Sunday of each month ... Your Encoded  Healing Video (for each Beloved) will be encoded weekly (and sometimes daily when Inspired for Your Greatest Support) for You to Receive Deeply Personal and Comprehensive Multidimensional Support - as determined by Your Infinite Self. You will Intuitively Know when to experience your encoded healing video again and again each month. It will simply pop into your mind! 

How Does this Support me?

The way I work is Comprehensively Accessing and LOVING FREE the Group Soul Constellation impediments that You are in most need of Liberation from ... to Allow More and More of Your GLORY to BE Experienced and Lived through You in Miraculous and unpredictable ways .. 

My "Work" is Silent... and ... the most Powerful form of Miraculous Transformation, Healing and Love I have ever found possible in this Life... Completely Bypassing the linear mind and delivering REAL and Permanent Tangible Transformations in Your Life. (In Completely Miraculous and Unpredictable Ways!) *This is NOT something I "learned" or some "technique" I "do" ... My Natural Born Love in Active Service to You Emerges Naturally and Spontaneously, ... for all those IAM here to Serve. ALL of my Beloveds receive Miraculous Experiences, Healings, Access, unpredictable Events, and sooooo much more. Essentially You receive more and more direct and immediate access to Your Own Life Stream, which had been limited or even completely eclipsed by the Soul Constellations operating in Your Life. 


IAM Deeply Grateful for You and Your Radiant Presence Here Now. You Are Important, You Are Vital. You Are Needed. I Love You... and I can say that because I See You!! And IAM Amazed and In Awe... 

Here with You, in Love and Devotion,

