Healing Miracles BeautyTransformation

In Love and Devotion to Dagmar, Mother Love, and Family/Ancestry

A New Life Experience is Emerging for You Beloved Dagmar ... Can You Feel it? Sense it? 

Deep Profound Healing for Lineage ...

Opening New Growth, Stability, Happiness in the Present

New Life ... Washing Away the Old

Happy New Year Beloved Dagmar!!

This is the beginning of a whole new Level of Access to Your Life and Purpose that is centered around Your Happiness, Your Joy, Your Authentic Expression and Your Blossoming! Wisdom and Peace is coming this Year for You, and releasing things that don't feel amazing will also be very beneficial for You ... along with a developing sense of Inner Magic that you may be beyond anything You can now Imagine!! As We continue to Clear, Heal and Whole the Soul Constellations and Ancestral Lineage Influences that have set up certain levels, layers and depths of domains of experience ... 

Opening Your Creativity and Joy to function in ways that bring You into Greater Alignment with Love and Happiness! What do You enjoy doing? experiencing? witnessing? 

I have another video for You too ... from January ... It will be uploaded to this page as soon as I make the space on my Vimeo! (Also, please always know ... likely you already know ... however I just want to say that I encode every video for You ... even my public YouTube videos!! So You my Love will never be without!!) And, I also LOVE for You to have your Own Private Videos!

More to add ... Just know that this month will be a Big Support in assisting and Opening ease in releasing and opening to New more Aligned and exciting changes for You!

I Love You so so Deeply!!!

Here, with You in Love and Devotion,


Dearest Beloved Dagmar,

I have encoded this Video for You ... with Extra Support and Relief for the longer term challenges you have been feeling ... 

This Time is a New Beginning in many ways!! I wanted to get this video to you today on the Full Moon ... as these Sacred Waters can Move Mountains!

Please let me know how You are ... and how You experience this video and what NEW things and Possibilities and Choices and Experiences it brings into Your Life in unexpected, and some maybe hoped for ways!! It's quite Powerful!!

Re-Member to Drink lots of Spring Water (and add a bit of sole salt solution) that makes You feel hydrated and ready for the New Emerging!

I Love You!!!

Here with You in Love and Devotion,


My Dearest Precious Dagmar,

Please keep me posted ... I would LOVE to hear how you receive this Video ... (it is also a very Special one that is extra encoded!)

How Are You? This Video is very Powerful and includes Miracle Frequency specific for You and Your Whole Family! (Also I hope you received your special video .. it took DAYS to upload ... with the internet... impacted by snow! Lots of Snow!!)

IAM Here in Gratitude, Love and Devotion to You and Your Greatest Life!

I Love You!!


Special Healing and Inner Support Video!!

Dearest Beloved Dagmar,

I have created this short and very powerful Cleansing and Purifying Video (below) for You in addition to Your Monthly Encoded Video ... It burns away, transforms, transmutes, and alchemizes all that lowers your resonance. I would Love to hear how You receive and experience it!! You can use it as many times as you desire! It will help just about everything to come back in to resonant Alignment with Your Truth and Love ... and will have a harmonic effect upon Your Life and those You Love. It is so important now to clear and purify all that vibrates and resonates upon lower levels of consciousness... (fears, worry, feelings of powerlessness, upset, wanting, needing, etc ... ) this Video has the encoded Power to assist You in Rising into Your Truth and Essence as Love ... 

And Beloved Dagmar ... Here is Your Comprehensive Healing Encoded Video for February! This One has many layers and levels and depths ... (smiling...)  Let's connect more deeply about Awakening Your Innate Natural Gifts of Healing!! I Love You sooo much!!!! Looking forward to hear from You! Here in so much Love and Devotion to You and Your Greatest Life! Jyoti

Dearest Dagmar,

I wanted You to be the first to Know ... that IAM now in Creation of a Miracle Healer Training Embodiment experience!! I have been receiving the call to create this so that more and more people will be able to Trust themselves as Healers and Miracle Makers who long to help people in the world at this time! After I read Your email asking about Matrix Energetics (which by the way I would never recommend) as I feel STRONGLY that each of us needs direct access to our Own Unique Innate Healing Gifts ... and that when taking other trainings and teachings we move further away from our Own Unique and Powerful Inner Access to Miracles!

I am planning to send out an email to my list today or tomorrow about this!!

I Love You!!!

Here with You in Love and Devotion,


Happy New Year Beloved Dagmar!!!

As we enter this Year ... I have brought in some New and Powerful Energies ... which I encoded within this video ... Please let me know How You Feel and Perceive these New Levels and Depths of Healing Access ... Please have water with You as You experience this Video and You can replenish your water daily with this Video it will infuse Your Water as well as Structure it ... Please do a taste test for yourself: take a sip of the water before the video... then take a sip after and note the difference!! (Please share with me your experience also!!)

We are entering a Whole New World in this Year of Miracle Healing and Transformation which will result in Your Embodied FEELING of Upliftment, Joy, Peace ... and soooo much more ... we will go through some depth clearing for your entire bloodline, as well as Open New Portals of Possibilities for Miracles and Healing like never before!!! I would Love to hear from You ... Your intentions for this Year ... and How You desire to FEEL and Experience Your Every Day Life and Experience on Planet Earth ... Please share this with me .. as I will additionally encode Direct Inner Access to it within this video, as well as each video of this Year ... You can feel free to update me of Your Intent for each month as we go along!!

I Love You Sooooo Much !!!

All-Ways Here with You in Love and Devotion ... Jyoti

Also ... THANK YOU FROM OUR HEARTS for Your Christmas Blessing and Wishes!!! My children are all-ways soooo happy to receive Your Love, Your Gifts, Your Beautiful Connection, and Your Wishes for us!! (It means the world to each of us!!) Thank You!!!

Dearest Beloved Dagmar,

I have created and encoded 2 Special Videos for You this month!! the first one is a Powerful Crystal Bowl Healing ... and the Second one is another Powerful Video where You can see me playing the Crystal Singing Bowls for You ... both videos contain high levels of Support ... as I recorded them after blessing and encoding the Bowls to work directly with Specific Soul Constellation Levels for You and for Your Ancestral Lineage ... each hold very special frequencies and access to NEW LIFE ... and many Opening Possibilities for Your Life and I can't wait to hear how you receive them!!!

Please be sure to have water with You ... preferably a gallon of water ... as these videos are also designed to Encode Your Water into Miracle Healing Water... specific for what is needed and required for You during this Sacred Time ...

I LOVE YOU ... May You fully Receive All the LOVE and Miracles Here for You Now!

Here with You in Love and Devotion, Jyoti

Beloved Dagmar ... this Video is Special and Encoded with many new experiences of Love ... Please let me know how You experience it!! It is comprehensive ... including ancestral healing and transformation as well as our monthly Healing Love ... Here with You In So Much LOVE... and Devotion to You, Jyoti

Enjoy this Encoded Video created and encoded for You Beloved One ... It holds many levels layers and depths of Support, Divine Release, and Access to Awakening Perfect Solutions to the seeming challenges appearing upon the surface of what we are aware of ... and experience ... Keep me posted on how You receive the Powerful Love encoded here ... I Love You Sooooo very much!!! Here with You in Love and Devotion... Jyoti

Dearest Dagmar Love ... this is a very Special Encoded Video for You!!! Please let me Know How You Receive it!!! This Video has been Created with sooooo much Love and Devotion for You and the unfolding of Your Greatest Life!!! This is also Including emotional depth healing that is emerging and encoded in this one too ... numerous levels layers and depths are here for You to embody!!! I Love You!!!  ENJOY!!! 

Dearest Beloved Dagmar,

I have encoded this Video with additional Sacred Frequencies of Healing and Emotional Release ... also working directly with the Soul Constellations that have emerged to be Liberated forever!!!

Please let me know how You are feeling ... and what You are noticing ... and what new thoughts and experiences you may be encountering!! IAM so very Proud of You!!!! And getting a daily movement is so vital for You!!! See how intuitive You Are!!! You will likely notice a BIG Shift this month and next as we continue to move through many layers and levels of density that have been part of your lineage!

Here with You in Love and Devotion,


Dearest Dagmar Love,

This video is Deeply Encoded on Multiple levels for You ... Please keep me posted on how you are feeling and what is unfolding in your experience!! You will experience many new Openings and Shifts in the coming moments and days ... (looking forward to hear from You what You are noticing and feeling!!!)

Embrace and welcome all emotions as they arise to the surface ... I know it may be "uncomfortable" yet it is making SPACE for the LIFE You are here to Live ... far beyond the old emotional and physical patterns that have played out up to now ... 

Marinate in the Magic of this Cleaning Moment ... as We Open all that is Now and Upcoming for You Beloved!!! You are doing Amazing!!! Many things will be manifesting in your experience very soon!! 

Also ... IAM focusing deeply upon Your Ancestral Session as well ... making HUGE Strides ... which will also be encoded into this video through out the month as the changes begin to unfold!!

I Love You so very much!!!

Here with You in Love and Devotion,


Love and Miracles...Leading and Guiding the Way ... there are many changes ahead ... we shall remain united and flow with LOVE through them all ... this video is deeply encoded forHealing on all levels ... and additionally for emotional cleansing and absorption of Love!!!

Soooooo Much LOVE for You Beloved Dagmar!!!

Also ... a BONUS of LOVE for You..CLICK HERE

Beloved Dagmar ... I have deeply encoded this Video with frequencies that deliver direct access to Your Healing this month ... as well as the Ancestral Healing and Transformational Miracles for You and Our Beloveds to Receive ... Just You experiencing this video gives access to the ALL of the Family Lineage ... Please stay in touch and let me know How You Are!! I Love You!! All-Ways!!!

Please update me ... how You are beloved ... and all that you are experiencing!!!


Here with You ... in Love and Devotion, Jyoti

(Ps... just noticing that this page was not published before now ... !!!)

Happy New Year Beloved Dagmar!!

Below is Your Deeply Encoded Video ... I apologize for the delay! 

I Love You so very Much!! I deeply appreciate your emails and questions and Presence!! Thank You from my Heart for Being You!!

Merry Christmas Beloved Dagmar ... Please Receive this Video ... (it has instructions) have water, paper, and pen with You !!! 

Below this Video is another shorter Encoded Healing Video!!

I LOVE YOU!!! We Treasure You!!

Your Encoded Healing Video with so much LOVE!

Dearest Beloved Dagmar ... 

This Video is Deeply Encoded for You and Your Precious Mother as well ... May You receive this Healing and deepen it into Your daily Life experience! Please beloved Take extra care of Your Self ... taking time every day (first thing if possible) to nourish and nurture Your Self ... Center into Your Eternal Essence and simply Breathe feeling the spacious Love of Self Care ... I feel this is truly vital for You right now!! Please take multiple moments each day to connect in with what you are feeling and what You are needing to feel your Best in any situation that emerges ... (and yes, the ancestral Session will also help considerably!)

 I Love You ... and I am so very proud of You!!! You are doing Amazing!!

Here in Love and Devotion, Jyoti

Your Extra Encoded Video is Ready for You to Support You and Your Precious Mother!! Here in Love and Devotion to You!!

Dearest Dagmar ... Thank You so deeply from our Hearts!!!! Bella was so excited to receive your Loving Gift!! She had a wonderful Birthday because of You!!! I cannot express how much it means to Us ... How Your Love and Thoughtfulness and Care matter!!!

ANd .. IN this Video I have delivered the next level of Healing ... It is Profound ... Be sure to take extra time to just BE ... to take comprehensive care of Your Self!! You will also be deeply supported by my New October Live and Ancestral Healing Sessions if You are able to! They will help so very much ... shifting the whole core of things that have felt stuck or unchanging in your family and world!

I LOVE YOU FOREVER!! Here with You in Love and Devotion!!

Enjoy ..

My Dearest Precious Beloved Dagmar, I have encoded extra special support for You this month!! I thank you so deeply from my Heart for Your Birthday Gift and Wishes ... words could not explain how much your kindness and love means to me!!! (really!!!) I recorded this video to encode for You ... for many reasons ... it is layered with meaning, depth, and access ... on one hand there is our puppy Buddha and Elijah running around playing in the background ... there is me staying fully centered in the Transmission of Deep Healing for You ... and there is the rushing water of life ... in the backdrop where we are all held ... even though the current may be strong and the water powerful .. we can find our sacred space right in the center to it all ... and just absolutely BE Who We Are ... and choose to Be whatever our Heart deeply desires and is most fulfilled by!! Love and Life are given Freely ... and we are here to Create our Sanctuary no matter what is happening ... and with that ... I encourage You to do several JOYFUL PLEASURABLE moments; things for Your Self each day ... to Align your Feeling state into pleasure, joy, excitement, inspiration, playfulness ... (this will make my work soooo powerfully absorbable for You tooo!!) there is a whole new playful innocent wonderful world ... and it exists right here in this moment .... although it may sometimes seem cloaked by the things our attention is focused on that do not bring us joy .. or even the mind and how it just naturally jumps from past to future ... completely missing the MIRACLE of Now .. so this Video is extra encoded to address all levels of Life unfolding Now!!!

Here in Love, Gratitude, and Devotion to You! J

My Dearest Dagmar...

This Video is Deeply Encoded to Deliver some Special Support for You ... Please let me know how You Receive it ... it is like the sky and the trees and all Life from Above the sky pouring into the stream as it flows directly to and through You and down into the Earth Mother  ... Delivering You Extra Potent Blessings and Access to Your True Self and Your True Power (especially coupled with Your Lions Gate Portal!!)  ... Please let me know how You Receive it!! And ... You are doing Amazing!!! I am so very Proud of You!!! I look forward to hear how You are feeling ... 

Here with You ... in Love and Devotion ,


Dearest Dagmar Love ... This Video is deeply encoded to reach into levels of Life that we have yet untouched!!! Please let me know how You are feeling ... and all that You are experiencing ... You are doing AMAZING!!! IAM so very proud of You!!! Here in Love and Devotion to You... I LOVE YOU!!! Jyoti

Dearest Dagmar ... this is a very special encoded Video for You ... Please let me know how you are .. and how You experience this Video and all the Magic that comes from this Deeply Encoded Video!! Expect the Miracles You are ready to Receive!!!! I Love  You!! (I would also love to see You also participate in this upcoming Sunday Live Healing ... it will be very emotionally healing additionally! And You are Ready!!)

Love ... Love ... Love ... I am excited to hear from You Beloved Dagmar!!! Please receive the depth of this encoding for You!!!

I Love You !!!

With You in Love and Devotion  ... Jyoti

My Dearest Dagmar ...

I have been awakening every morning to work with You and Your Precious mama ... at 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55am (not much sleep for me for weeks!) There have been so many necessary interventions ... and now I emerge to check in with You as I created and encoded this Video for You!!! I LOVE You so very Much!! And I look so forward to hear from You how You receive this Video ... I know life has felt challenging for You ... I have been with You through it all ... and I want You to Know that Now ... this month ... there is a NEW Presence and Energy available ... that is all about a NEW beginning ... and whatever we choose in this month will cycle with us for the next 9 ... so it is time to dive deep into Your JOY ... Your LOVE ... Your Magic ... to Listen Deeply INSIDE about what You Feel ... I see that You have placed others BEFORE YOU for so so very long .. and it is now Time for You to Deep Dive within ... Listen Deeply within ... to what is Yours Now ... Beloved ... I have felt how "down" you have felt ... and all of this is due to Your internal resonance with your sense of "obligation, thinking of others before You, etc.. which leads to upset, anger, and unsustainable life for You ... 

Now is the time to Really Truly Deeply Take Tender Care and Honor of YOU!!

I am also offering a Destiny Activation this month that IAM GIFTING TO YOU (If You tell me You want it!!- Please let me know!!!) This is in CELEBRATION OF YOU!!! And in Celebration of Your BIRTHDAY .. Into this NEW Life!! In CELEBRATION OF YOU!!!!! (we LOVE and CELEBRATE YOU!!!!! Every Day... even when you do not hear from me!!) You are a Living Treasure to All of Life ... You have a Huge Heart of such a Precious Love and Devotion ... and YES IT IS NOW TIME TO DEEP DIVE INTO TAKING CARE OF YOU!!!

IAM here .. with You ... in Love and Devotion and Support in LIVING Your Greatest Destiny ... 

Happy Birthday Beloved!!!



PS .. drink lots of water ... I am encoding ALL of Your water into Miracle Water ... this will help You to Feel and Be more of YOU!!!

AND .. IAM also inspired (from LOVE for YOU!) to GIFT YOU this recording ... https://fccdl.in/oOjJOpomIt

Beloved Precious Dagmar ...

This month is bringing new levels layers and depths to necessary completion cycles for New Growth to take place ... I am here supporting you and Your Precious Mother in this! I Love You!!

Two New Videos for You Beloved Precious One!!! Please stay in close connection as we move through the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021!

Dearest Precious Beloved Dagmar...

Here is Your New Encoded Video ... Please send me an update on how You are feeling and all that is perceptibly new! This Video is encoded deeper than all previous Videos to work in a direct and comprehensive way!

When You experience this video for the first time ... 

1. As You get ready to play your video Please Speak these words "I fully receive Divine Healing, Miracles, and Infinite Love encoded within this video, on all levels, through all space and time."

2. Please have water next to You (As You play your video your water will be encoded with healing frequencies that will support you on all levels - mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually! It also produces INSPIRATION that comes from within You ... smiling ... looking forward to see what this sparks for You!!!) You can drink it all at once after your video, or you can sip it as you are inspired. You can continue to charge and encode Your Water this way every time You experience Your Video! This water will taste and feel different in Magical Ways ... Drink it often and let me know your experiences!!

3. Give Your Self a Hug ... (Its me (smiling) and the Divine Eternal Love of the Universe here to Embrace You ... Strengthen You and Restore Your Blissful Beautiful Precious Life of Inspiration ... Awe, Wonder, Magic, and ....  )


Here in Love and Devotion to You and Your Glorious Radiant Life!



Beloved Precious Dagmar ... This video is deeply encoded for You ... It has extra supernatural supports built in ... I am also inspired to offer You this additional insight for this Full October Moon ... there are many depth things we are in the midst of healing ... which can also be supported by an intentional use of Miracle Water over this moon cycle period ... For the next several days ... Please charge Miracle Water by having water next to You as you experience Your Healing Video ... (this video is also encoded to produce Miracle Water specific for this moon cycle!) and drink this water intentionally throughout the day ... and keep some at your bedside all night... internally it works deeply at the emotional level ... and additionally This Miracle Water sets up a radiant resonance Healing field that supports you and Your Space continually through this time ... Please do let me know how you experience this ... we can adjust and increase the radius of its effect ... Please stay in touch and let me know how You are experiencing it! I Love You!!! I Treasure You!!! IAM with You!! 

August Encoded Healing Video with so Much Love ... Peace ... Joy ... Inner Bliss ... Knowing ... Beauty ... Creative Inner Spark ... LOVE that Leads to the Unity of Our Hearts ... Deep Inner Peace and Contentment ... Presence of Childlike Innocent Wonder and Magic ... Please stay in touch !! I LOVE hearing how you are and how things are unfolding!! I LOVE YOU!!! I took the Photo of this rainbow for You!! Ahhhhh ... the rainbow emerges after the rain!

Beloved Below is your July Encoded Video ... this one is very powerful and I suggest you receive it after taking a bath or shower ... Please have water with you to drink just after watching it (and each time you receive it ... drink a glass of water as this Video is encoded with extra levels of support and depth that can change the way you feel and experience reality ... and also change the way your outer reality shows up) Please also write after you experience this video ... many new insights may emerge ... and more will be upcoming! Please stay in close touch via email to let me know how things are unfolding and feeling! IAM So Proud Of YOU!


Beloved! Here is Your New Encoded Healing Video! This one is very special and contains much new healing frequencies, insight, inspiration, and healing for now and what is upcoming! I want you to Know that it is possible we may experience a time of transition, that may include internet outage for a few days... between now and May. Know that I AM here with You and All is going to be Beautiful, even if there are many things that do not feel great in this time. So much is transforming in Life, and specifically within Your Soul and Your Family ... I LOVE YOU!! Here ... in Love and Devotion to You! Please reach out anytime. IAM here for You!

June 2020 

May 2020

Happy NEW Year ... January 2020 Deeply Encoded Healing Video for You My Precious Beloveds!

Please stay in touch with me! I would LOVE to hear from You Weekly!! 

Here With You ... In Love and Devotion ... Jyoti

Dagmar Love ... Thank You!! I Love You!!

Dearest Beloved Dagmar ... 

This is going to BE the New Healing Page for You! Where I will upload all future Videos, Audios, and Inspirations for You and Your Precious Mother ... This Page itself is also Encoded with Love and Streaming Healing Miracles for You that You can tap into at any moment! 

I LOVE YOU!!! Jyoti

Here is Your New Deeply Encoded Healing Video for You Beloved! Enjoy! and Let me know how you are and how things are changing and transforming!!

Special Healing Video I Made for You with LOVE, DEVOTION, and GRATITUDE!!    WE LOVE YOU!!!!

New Healing Vide for You ... to Support You and Your Whole Family ... and Bloodline! I LOVE YOU DAGMAR!!! You are so deeply precious to my Heart!


Here is the PayPal to initiate the unfolding of all that is to come forward into Your Life, Love, Heart, Body, and Family ... Your Mother is right in the center and will remain in the Miracle Space of Healing and Love ...as needed! You can choose $1111 or $2222 whatever You choose .. my Support is here for You!

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Dagmar and Mama Unlimited Support!
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Immersive Support Dagmar Family

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