Your Birthright of Abundance


Precious Beloved One ... Your Encoded Video is below ... Suggestions for experiencing it : 

Below on this page is Your multidimensional Encoded Video ... it is Powerful, even though it may look or seem "normal" ... What is encoded within this video is delivered directly to Your Multidimensional Self ... beyond your consciousness ... in fact it bypasses the conscious mind entirely. This we have found is the most immediate, direct and powerful way to Open and Allow Instant, Permanent, Transformation, Healing, and Change ... it "appears" and is experienced in Miraculous ways that defy physics, thought, work, and conscious attempts to change ... they unfold like Miracles ... yet this access has always been within You ... just obscured by the hijacked programmed mind. Sometimes the changes happen so rapidly that your mind collapses upon the Now Reality as "the way it's always been" and your mind may think nothing happened. This is perfectly okay ... and the Deeper Awareness emerges over your experience of "time" or of others around you noticing how "new" or "different" You are... 

Please have a glass or bottle of water, paper, and a pen ... as You experience your Video ... Your water will be infused and charged with Your Unique encoded access codes, etheric atoms, frequencies, and eternal love that In-Forms the cells of your body through the water of Your Blood ... 

Write  "I Restore My BirthRight of Abundance and LOVE" Place it under your water. . . 

Now ... take a moment to Relax ... Light a candle if you wish ... Breathe deeply into Your Belly ... Center Your Awareness into Your Heart ... When You feel it is Time ... Play Your Video ... 

Return in 24 Hours to experience Your Custom Encoding that You will Receive by Experiencing Your Video again ... Repeat as often as you feel inspired... 

You will Know in Your Heart when You are ready for Your Next Level Birthright of Abundance Infusion. There is no "time" in Reality ... and You can Receive your next Level as soon as You experience the inner desire. 

(These are only suggestions, definitely follow your Own Heart ... Please feel free to share with me how you have been inspired to experience your encoded video!) in Reality, once You Claim Your Birthright of Abundance and purchase each level of Restoration of Your Birthright of Abundance ... nothing further is needed in order to Receive Your Birthright of Abundance at that level ... it is activated instantly upon purchase, and then Intimately and Personally Deepens and Intensifies Directly for You in 24 hours ... these suggestions are simply to calm the mind and Body which always feels Amazing! However, Know Beloved One ... that Your Birthright of Abundance is automatically delivered instantly ...bypassing the conscious mind and ... Opening the Restoration of Your Birthright of Abundance ... it simply dissolves and resolves from the inside out ... the illusions and blocks from all sources that have eclipsed your Innate Birthright of Being the Abundance and Living the Abundance You are ... and all that is here for You to experience and enjoy...)

Please let me know hI can't wait to hear from You how Your Birthright of Abundance is Unfolding in Your Life! You can message me directly @ (subject: "My Birthright of Abundance")

IAM Here with You in Love, Abundance and Devotion to You and Your Greatest Life,


LOVE Lives Here. Abundance Returns Now. Your Birthright of Abundance is Being Restored. You are Loved. You are Magic. You are a Living Miracle. I Love You. All of Life Loves You. Now We Return to Love. One. We are here to give BIRTH to the LIFE of LOVE ABUNDANCE and HARMONY for ALL ... We accomplish this through Owning and Claiming our Sacred Birthright of Abundance ... Here ... We are Restored ... Here We are United as One ... We are individual cells in the body of Life ... here to Live in Miraculous Beautiful Blissful Ways ... Together ... We Are Here for Miracles ... to Heal and Resolve all that has been in the way before now ... 

IAM Eternally Grateful for You ... You Are a Precious Beautiful Miracle!
